Friday, January 21, 2011

Who Killed Keith Olbermann? RIP~~~Countdown~~~January 21st 2011

The Smart Boys in Vegas ought to make this guy the odds on favorite~~~he's The King of Comcast~~~and being the son of the founder there has to be some dark & twisted Shakespearean plot going on here. Comcast wanted to rape Disney so bad a few years ago she had to scream as loud as she could and kick Comcast in the crouch~~~NO! And btw Comcast gave all my personal info to W and made me feel like I was a character in Brave New World. A little sleazy don't you think? And these days they pinned NBC Universal to the floor~~~and who would a thunk it? The Corporate Axe fell so very swiftly~~~chopping keith's head off in a new york minute! Well I got to admit that Keith Obermann & Johnny Miller have a similar effect on people~~~you either love 'em or hate their guts~~~so someone of them new owners musta hated keith with a vengence dont-ya-know? Conservatives love control. It gives them a hard on. Hell Cheny shot a lawyer on vacation when he was VP. Power is a drug don't you know? Well Mr. Whatshisname up there~~~Chairman of The Board of Comcast~~~Lord King of Cable~~~is by my humble estimation one strung out junkie dude and he got his olbermann fix today. So if you want to know what's going on in the world these days~~~the corporate media's Tree of Knowledge just lost one hell of a big branch today~~~and you will know a little less about the world you live in for this loss.. You know~~~it's the power junkies greatest love to bottle something up. Totally control it~~~and they're always surprised at the consequences. No imagination. I wonder if I'm wrong about Mr. Whatshisname up there. Take a real good look at him. What odds do you give him?


  1. dude, i left a long involved comment including pigs, monkeys, the movie 'network', and james thurber. all lost.

    get rid of all these filters. nobody is looking at your blog any way, except the pigs with the filters.

    and facebook, don't even get me started.

  2. With big money running the nations politics, courts and the media outlets who dare challenge it we have the perfect storm and the life blood that is the middle class has no voice.

  3. Murrow telling a bunch of zombies they're zombies but do they hear? can they? when all they know is the shadows on the wall of plato's cave~~~reminds me of that time a woman stood up in a Lamb of God meetin' and went ballistic 'bout the 'inwardness' of the group~etc no one really listened we just cringed. murrow went off~~~even ike went off~~~olbermann? off. and Charley~~~if'n u 'a givin'up ur e-mail u wouldn't 'a LOST all ur gooooood writin:)

  4. well, like murrow, like olberman, all my good writin is a worth nuth'n.

    admit it, some times you wish a voice could cut thru the darkness.

    i'm not hoping for nirvana, just some goddamned reasonableness.

  5. well? K spoke of thought's limitations and death's beauty~~~and remember~~~the real cutting comes along when death yells like a homeplate umpire: "YOU'RE OUT!"~~~but until then most of us monkeys need MANY ILLUSIONS to prop up our own personal disneylands~~~as for the overcontroling corporate media? cap the bottle and shake it too much & it won't be words they have to dodge.....

  6. oh jebus f'n christ.

    you had to mention disney land?

    my penance is working in the aorta of the heart of darkness. and you have to throw salt on the wound?

    as i like to tell my buddy Chien, "you suck". he always replies with his thick Mandarin accent "i just tell the truth."
