The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21st 2012~~~supposed to be The End of Days or something like that~~and they say there's One Wet & Wild Woman way up '
thar in Frozen Alaska who contracted a fatal case of Potomac Fever from some ex-soldier when she visited Arizona a few years ago~~~and Now? She wants to be The First Soap Opera
Prez (and could be The First Porno-Pop
Prez~~~if she '
jus let it all Hang Out:)~~~and~~~Oh My! Is it already The End Times? Really? So that's why My Billy Graham Book of Revelations Alarm Clock keeps going off? Ding Dong. Ding-a-Ling. Ding Dong. Rap.
Rapa. Rapture:) Hey no way The Whore of
Babylon comes from Frozen Tundra~~~right? Poor America has sold herself off to the thugs of The Corporate Oligarchy~~~they who exploit The 3rd World, dumb down '
merican citizens with their control of the news, and last but not least, believe in The Absolute Commercialization of Everything~~~and all them Corporate Boys just got a little bit fatter after consuming most of The American Middle Class~~~oh the gluttons that they are~~~but~~~Yummy! Oh how they love their $$$:) Dear America before you drink the Lukewarm Tea offered up by this Wicked Witch From The North~~~remember~~~her kind told us We Defeated Communism forever and now All Them Damn Commies own us lock, stock, and barrel. Damn Doublespeak~~~I guess they get The Berlin Wall and Great Wall mixed up or something like that? Look closely into the mirror and you might see what we really live in is~~~The Great American Spiritual Desert~~~where even W (how many people did he kill?) and Sister Sarah (how shallow can her flippant thought be?) can pretend to be real people~~~so maybe~~~The Mayans were on to something? Who knows? One thing I do know about Ted
Bundy pictured up above~~~he was raised here in America~~~he was part of us~~~and not some separate evil being that popped in here on a vacation from hell. Ted
Bundy was an American~~~and so were all the sociopaths and psychos~~~
Dahlmer, McVeigh~~~you know the list 'cause it '
jus goes on & on~~~all the way to Tuscon~~~and I'm afraid that the road doesn't end there. The Killers were Americans too~~~raised here~~~part of us. Personality Disorders abound and multiply in~~~A Spiritual Wasteland~~~and as we have seen~~~this moral dementia has spread and even reflected back upon us~~~by our elected leadership (a mirror of sorts). Can a society only based on Greed, Accumulation, and Individual Competition have any Intrinsic Value? Is such a society doomed? You can tell a tree by it's fruit~~~ so why is our society condemned to produce such shallow and destructive people~~~such Bitter Fruit? Corporate America never did a Cost-Benefit Analysis on how creating a Culture of $$$ would so create so many Destructive Personality Disorders~~~that
precipitate so many costs. It should be a part of their Bottom Line~~~along with environmental renting and destruction~~~the stunted personal growth in character in all the people they touch~~~international relations~~~etc, etc, etc. So? Maybe the Mayans~~~knew something~~~that we do not. Not many values left here in the Old American Gas Tank~~~we're Running On Empty~~~but the fumes should get us to December 21st 2012:) Sarah
Palin and The End of The World? That would be too entertaining to be true:) End Times has to be he biggest cop out in human character~~~Ever! Look in The Mirror. Look at All of Us. America? What do you see?