Our stomachs demand that we kill to survive~~~as this Remington painting Hungry Moon reveals. It's a sorrowful part of living within the violence of space-time, as the second law of thermodynamics applies to all systems. It is the way it is. All things must pass~~~they are temporary~~~and~~~death is at the end of everything. But in our temporal existence here on earth where all in the end is impermanent~~~do we have to be so ruthless in our accumulations? Do we not see ourselves in our fellow man? Can we not take what we need and leave the rest? Hunter gatherers like the American Indians above were much more sane than my fellowman these days~~~for thought and mankind's inventions~~~have brutalized us more than we can imagine. Some tribes of Indians had no word for~~~sacred~~~for everything was sacred to them. The culture that I grew up in looked at everything as an object~~~to be acquired~~~and used. Is everything living~~~or dead? Krishnamurti put it this way~~~the essence of control is suppression. We suppress the life in ourselves and in others~~~all to try and hold on to what by nature is impermanent. Much dark humor in this. Fragmentation is insanity. Thought is destroying the planet. And we think of The Indian Lifestyle as savage.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
~~~A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand~~~
"House Divided" Speech by Abraham Lincoln
Does today's Class War compare to The Civil War? Will there ever rise such a man as this to appeal to~~~The Better Angels of Our Nature~~~or will politicians forever more be bought and sold by the powers that be? How does the denial of personal freedom compare to the social denegration that springs from~~~economic and environmental destruction? Who can live peaceably together with slaveholders~~~or~~~corporate entities that have no social responsibilities? Is democracy for All The People~~~or~~~is it a Tattered Quilt of states rights? Was it really~~~North vs South? Is it really~~~Democratic America vs Corporate America? Blue vs Grey~~~or~~~Red vs Blue? Today there are Two Americas~~~the haves~~~and the have nots~~~and i don't believe we'll ever be blessed with a man such as this~~~to unite our house divided.
Does today's Class War compare to The Civil War? Will there ever rise such a man as this to appeal to~~~The Better Angels of Our Nature~~~or will politicians forever more be bought and sold by the powers that be? How does the denial of personal freedom compare to the social denegration that springs from~~~economic and environmental destruction? Who can live peaceably together with slaveholders~~~or~~~corporate entities that have no social responsibilities? Is democracy for All The People~~~or~~~is it a Tattered Quilt of states rights? Was it really~~~North vs South? Is it really~~~Democratic America vs Corporate America? Blue vs Grey~~~or~~~Red vs Blue? Today there are Two Americas~~~the haves~~~and the have nots~~~and i don't believe we'll ever be blessed with a man such as this~~~to unite our house divided.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
21st Century American Class Warfare
The Gipper was an anti-FDR of sorts~~~a traitor to his own class~~~and when he dissolved the Air Traffic Controller's Union and fired them all~~~Michael Moore may be right~~~that was the beginning of this class warfare we see these days~~~and~~~the pilots and baggage handlers and all the co-workers and colleagues of the terminated employees~~~should have seen what's coming and gone on strike~~~right then and there. That didn't happen~~~but~~~let's face it~~~corporations have no values regarding social responsibilities~~~and~~~their disregard for the impact that their actions have~~~as to the destruction of the environment~~~reveals how little they really care about anything~~~other than~~~extracting more of whatever they want out of what is and into their pockets. The Corporate Mantra~~~is only one word~~~MORE. And now the modern day christian pharisees have Reinvented Jesus into some kind of political animal and mixed him up with a bunch of psychopathic businessmen and politicians~~~all in a power grab to take back~~~what~~~The New Deal~~~established. Damn~~~the rich are~~~never satisfied~~~they seem to want it all~~~and not one of them did any jailtime for fincially trashing the american economy.
So what's to do? I say that The Representative Democracy that this country is~~~take back the power it once gave to corporations. YEAH~~~take it back and neuter those son of a bitches~~~like cutting the balls off an aggressive and violent animal. Oh~~~they'll cry~~~we're leaving The United States of America~~~for friendlier foreign shores. Let them go~~~see how they like it~~~and~~~we as a democracy can fill the vacuum that they leave with private enterprise that is socially conscious~~~and green~~~that~~~provides jobs to support the life within our communities~~~and~~~values all that is~~~what we all share~~~and~~~is a part of~~~this life we live together.
Corporate America screwed with the middle class's largest investment~~~their homes~~~and made money playing with people's investments and retirements and lives~~~damn if they don't even play the fuel price futures game on us time and time again~~~I guess they think it's fun. Corporate America values~~~itself~~~more highly when it drops many of it's workers from it's bottom line~~~they really don't care about all the people that they touch~~~when they're not needed they're just excess capicity~~~deadwood~~~and only the people that are a part of their lifeblood~~~their cash flow~~~THEIR MONEY~~~count in their equations~~~of and on~~~life. Corporate America doesn't give a shit about our communities~~~about Mother Nature~~~and~~~the environment~~~in which we all live and move and have our being~~~they only care about their own.
And so it began in Wisconsin~~~and what Spiro Agnew called The Silent Majority~~~are silent no more~~~but~~~where will it all end? With~~~Plato's Society~~~wise and financially divested men~~~required to be a substantial representative part~~~of every~~~Board of Directors? I don't think these Rabid Dogs of Capitalism will so easily be muzzled~~~and it's gonna take an army of lawyers~~~to cut their balls off~~~in the courts. America is gonna have to sue these bastards into submission~~~environmental damage will bankrupt them all. So~~~let them put their tails between their legs~~~and take their personally degrading system of values~~~and head on off to somewhere in~~~The 3rd World~~~because their toxic value systems~~~won't hold up~~~anywhere. Societies that have~~~no intrinsic values~~~are only impermanent castles~~~built within and made of ~~~the sands of time. They have no foundation in reality upon which to stand.
The Corporate Oligarchy~~~will try to dumb us down~~~and~~~rally their minions~~~and~~~lay the big guilt trip~~~on all of us. Hey Corporate America~~~lighten up~~~your ball sack will heal~~~and you'll be better off for it~~~dontchaknow?~~~the division of power and transparency of all actions~~~are both~~~The American Way!
So let's turn THE LAWYERS loose on them~~~for their articles of incorporation~~~as they now stand~~~are~~~untenable~~~and~~~we simply can not afford to live~~~like this. Real Estate~~~overvalued and overbuilt. Financial Mismanagement~~~wtf derivatives and crazy assed futures. Union busting. Media control. Commercial propaganda. Dumbing down the host society~~~and all manner of manipulation.
Wake Up America~~~there are so many more of us~~than~~~them. The Gipper sold you on~~~It's Morning In America~~~but~~~Dylan says~~~it's getting dark~~~almost too dark~~to see.
Let's Sue The Bastards.
Republican Caricatures descend from The Editorial Page and mutate into Comedic Genres
Who does Mike Huckabee think he is? Gomer Pyle?
What chance does Rand Paul have on the national political scene with this subconscious connection?
Was John McCain's viral case of Potomac Fever finally arrested and~~~Laid To Rest~~~by this unconscious connection~~~to such a shallow comic veneer? Popeye The Sailor Man~~~Olive Oil~~~and~~~Bluto?
Well? Michelle Bachmann is from The North Country~~~they surely have crazy politicians in Minnesota~~~but do they have Witches?
american dream,
Gomer Pyle,
Joe The Plummer,
John McCain,
Lee Harvey Oswald,
Michelle Bachmann,
Mike Huckabee,
Olive Oil,
Rand Paul,
Sarah Palin,
Wicked Witch of The North
Thursday, February 24, 2011
~~~The Medium Is The Message~~~
Cave Walls and Pigments~~~Pictures and Pushpins~~~Smart Phones and Websites~~~technology has developed more and more sophisticated ways for us to gather the constellation of images~~~that captivate us~~~that define us~~~and show all with the eyes to see where the boundaries of our lives are~~~and so we have~~~drawn~~~attached~~~and these days~~~downloaded~~~them into the space that surrounds us~~~as we live our daily lives~~~we seek their security and comfort~~~while upon the impermanent face of this planet. Our desires and our mysteries~~~our fears and our allegiances~~~it is within these forces~~~of thought it's self~~~that propel us to gather fresh imagery each and every day ~~~and these~~~Our Own Cherished Personal Collages~~~Refreshed and Renewed~~~ascribe some sort of meaning and supposed individually~~~security and comfort~~~into this life of ours~~~but our horizons seem to go no further than the confines of thought~~~which are our own personal~~~Walls of Plato's Cave. We all wear the same polo shirt. We all choose between the music available. We all drink from the same cup when it comes to imagery~~~it's just thought~~~and if you don't know it by now~~~All Thought is Limited~~~and the word is never the thing~~~the description is never what it describes~~~for images and thought are only abstractions of that which is.
So you might as well pull your pants down when you show another your Collage of Imagery~~~and come to think of it~~~that's pretty much where it all ended up~~~just a bunch of desperate scribbling upon The Global Village's Common Bathroom Wall~~~and that would be The Invention of Little Zucky~~~his spitting image cast in logos up above~~~Facebook. Well? You seem to be able to~~~get lucky or start a revolution~~~on this new electronic bathroom wall of ours~~~and for sure we all cash in our 15 Minutes of Fame while we post in there~~~because it's a flat hierarchical structure and power can't control it's communicative abilities. Our Brave New World inhabited by all of the corporate bastions of authority~~~church, state, nation, and all the myriad mix of psychopathic corporations~~~has to be worried that we all are using the same bathroom now~~~because what comes from the bottom up is always more authentic and real than what comes from the top down~~~and what's trending electronically even beats the pollesters to the punch. So don't you know~~~Big Brother~~~is in here too trying to spin things the corporate way~~~looking to reign all this messiness in.
Facebook is~~~THE MOTHER OF ALL BATHROOM WALLS~~~but it cares not for blood nor skin in it's imagery~~~and this is it's thin veneer of morality. So if I were to meet this~~~Pompous Zuckerboy~~~I imagine that he would have the same reaction to me as Marshall McLuhan had~~~to that guy talking about him while standing in line for a movie~~~as this was the script of McLuhan's cameo appearance in Woody Allen's movie Annie Hall~~~and so this guy is talking while standing in line for a movie and it's like he's an expert on everything about McLuhan~~~and McLuhan himself appears~~~out of nowhere~~~and comes up to him and says: "You know nothing of my work."~~~but I do know that the Digital Revolution has changed what we pay attention to and the way we live our lives~~~not it's content~~~and that's the change that I've always been looking for.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
~~~~~~~~~Just Desert~~~~~~~~~
"Why are you going there? It's just desert." This is what the convenience store clerk told my brother~~~when he said~~~we were heading for Yuma, Arizona~~~and so we left that Tucson quick stop parking lot~~~going onward~~~going west. Just Desert~~~was what we were all about~~~what we had planned~~~as we headed towards Pichaco State Recreation Area, California~~~an old mining area accessible by The Colorado River in the old days~~~and a twenty mile dirt road~~~that was cut through and follows all the paths that water makes through the wilderness~~~arroyos~~~& arroyos are all~~~Mother Nature's Highways~~~and that's what gets you to Pichaco SRA~~~these days. But it was~~~Just Desert~~~and we wound around the desert southwest~~~in the dead of winter~~~down I 25 from Santa Fe to Hatch and over to I 40 to Tucson and Yuma~~~up to Pichaco SRA for a couple of nights~~~and onto Palm Springs~~~then Baker, California~~~through Death Valley~~~to Tonopah, Nevada~~~down The Extraterrestial Highway~~~and on to Vegas. All to the tune of 2,500 miles~~~for~~~there is more open land in the western united states~~~than one can ever imagine~~~and we covered only~~~a small fraction of all of it.
Barren~~~ & way too hot in summer~~~most life hides underground~~~lives in the night~~~or~~~in trees. The biggest shot of adrenalin i got all vacation long was not on the highways~~~where the monkeys drive to win their crazy races~~~but in a hollowed out tree that i peeked into~~~and saw~~~a little face staring back at me. He was ready to make a run for it~~~the little critter~~~knew two monkeys had invaded his campsite~~~his home was that tree. I had dropped a small pebble into the hollowed out trunk to see if something was living in there~~~and he headed for~~~the escape hatch. So why do things live in the desert? May be the same reason we incarnate on this earth~~~it's a seeming spiritual desert~~~you know. I guess in both cases it's just where you need to be~~~to play~~~the good old game of~~~Spiritual Hide & Seek.
Reincarnation. Is that the game around here? Our world is so illusory~~~and real~~~but all that exists is~~~impermanent. All things must pass. Death is at the end of everything~~~it walks hand in hand with life. So as for reincarnation? It must die too~~~for there one day will be nothing to return to. The only thing that's going to last around here is That Which Is Timeless~~~and isn't That at the core of everything? Creation? Doesn't that mean there is a creator~~~and apparently~~~this world is not his home.
Oh~~~the western monkey~~~is so full of~~~Whitewashed Jesus ~~that reincarnation is a subject never broached~~~never considered~~~never even thought of~~~even though Jesus said that he and John The Baptist were~~~Elijah and Elisha~~~you can read it in The Bible~~~Matthew 17: 9-13~~~in a conversation that came down~~~right after what happened on The Mount of Transfiguration. Theoretical physics so mirrors eastern philosophy~~~these days~~~that one day~~~we may see that what goes around also comes around. But as for me~~~i was never even introduced to reincarnation~~~it was something outside the western box of thinking~~~pictured as a heathen cartoon. So i ask myself~~~is reincarnation real~~~or~~~an illusion?
Well my brother and i spontaneously began this dialogue on the subject of~~~reincarnation~~~not to seek to become better and better people through many lifetimes~~~or~~~to excuse bad behaviour because we'll make up for it later~~~but~~~in order to let the spirit do it's work fully in people's lives~~~must it not take more than one lifetime to wake up? God's love wouldn't even leave one stray sheep to die alone in the wilderness~~~and so~~~with the short stack that all of us are born into~~~well? How can we realize~~~what life is~~~from this our whacked out perspective~~~our fractured conditioning? Some of us die too young. Some aren't born with a full deck. Some are whacked by their families. Some just by society~~~itself. We all fall through the cracks~~~somehow~~~so to speak. No one~~~gets everything right~~~gets it like they want it~~~ 'cause there are no perfect monkeys~~~on this planet~~~period. Reincarnation would give the spirit an ability to get it done~~~over many lifetimes~~~and the people that I've met that think they they know it all? Well~~~they're the ones that need reincarnation the most. One lifetime? Look around you~~~the people that i see aren't getting very far spiritually. These days are dark. It's a Spiritual Night~~~here within the confines of~~~The Great American Spiritual Desert. It seems as if~~~we all need more time~~~in the oven.
Everything has a life cycle. Everything dies. Impermanence reigns in space time~~~it even trumps reincarnation. But what holds it all together? I mean all that has been created? There is a timeless consciousness that permeates all that exists~~~and the timeless does manifest itself~~~in time. What creation could exist without a creator? That's the game~~~spiritual hide and seek. God's lost and found. Maya and illusion are forever the essence of all the stories told within space time~~~our lives we live~~~deep within the confines of Plato's Cave. I mean that~~~the most important thing in all of Life~~~seems hidden and missing~~~'cause thought just can't seem to see the creator~~~and therefore~~~God~~~seems missing.
I guess it's like UFOs~~~you can believe in them~~~but if you happen to see one? Then it's quite a different thing~~~then all belief is irrelevant. So really it's all in the seeing~~~not thought and it's flawed constructs.
So i guess you're wondering why i would put a picture of Las Vegas Boulevard~~~taken from the 63rd floor of The Encore~~~atop this story of desert and reincarnation. It was the hotel room that i got for the both of us~~~but i really got it for him as i am pretty sure that this would be~~his last night in Vegas. He's not dying or nuthin' but god knows David is no fan of Sin City~~~Las Vegas, Nevada~~~it is what Dr. Hunter S. Thompson referred to as~~~The Savage Heart of The American Dream~~~a place where you're never too far from a mirror~~~and it's hard to find out what time it is. As i looked down upon all the invented environments and their lush trappings~~~and saw what mankind could have created~~~beautiful and adorned spaces with artistry and unique structures~~~and here in Las Vegas, Nevada~~~they had even sprung from the desert floor. Too bad that their foundations have no intrinsic value~~~they are all based on illusion, greed, individual competition, and a bunch of silly monkeys that think that they are so special that they can defeat the Laws of Probability~~~it's like fighting off death~~~and we all know how that one ends~~~but they all try to win what's never been won and do what's never been done~~~and don't you know~~~like they said in Frank Capra's It's A Wonderful Life~~~when a bell rings another angel got their wings? Well~~~every time a horn blows~~~it's just another monkey like Rodney Dangerfield~~~getting no respect~~~and~~~every time a light blinks in Vegas? It means another monkey~~~just lost a bet. Vegas~~~i look out the window and think what might have been~~~all my brother could say was: "They're all Monuments to Stupidity". May be one day we all will have reincarnated so many times that we all can see this~~~and that through such virtue~~~we can see~~~what is~~~and be free~~~of it. I'm not like my brother~~~i did gamble~~~and dug myself a hole at every sit down~~~poker, roulette, and a few machines~~~but it was not like it usually is~~~as i climbed out of every hole~~~seeming to walk away winning 70 bucks or so at every thing i did~~~but i tired of it~~~got tired of the hole. Like gambling or that critter in the tree~~~may be we keep reincarnating until? We tire of the holes we get ourselves stuck in.
So~~~at the end of the 3rd day~~~after~~~my brother flew out of Vegas~~~on my last night in town~~~i went to Larry Flynt's Hustler Club~~~& there a sweet young woman picked me out of the crowd to make some money~~~and we enjoyed each other~~~and our time together~~~so much so~~~that at one point she looked me in the eyes and asked: "Did we know each other in a former life?". I said that i didn't know about those things~~~but? Who knows? All things timeless are related~~~and may be we did~~~but before we went up to the private rooms i asked her if she~~~had any rules~~~'cause i liked her and wanted to stay inbounds. Her reply? "We're gonna break all the rules!". And that's the best thing a woman has said to me in years~~~for underlying such a statement is trust~~~and a hint of~~~what real relationship~~~is all about.
Me? Reincarnation? What with all the stories of people dying and flying above the operating table~~~and seeing a bright light? With my brother's son's presence appearing to him~~~before he was born~~~telling him his name and that he was going to be a part of his family? I gotta go along with the existence of The Timeless Soul and Reincarnation~~~but what i really long for~~~is the time when All of God's Creatures~~~great and small~~~are as~~~One~~~and return Home~~~into the loving arms of their Creator~~~and~~~i'll take as many lifetimes as it takes~~~on the face of this earth~~~this spiritually barren desert~~~or whatever oven~~~whatever hell~~~that i have to go~~~to get~~~There.
And it is my hope~~~that one fine day we will all together~~~pass through the sun~~~each one finding their own way and walking their own path~~~all following the timeless road~~~back to our creator~~~and back to our~~~Timeless Home.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Who Killed Keith Olbermann? RIP~~~Countdown~~~January 21st 2011

The Smart Boys in Vegas ought to make this guy the odds on favorite~~~he's The King of Comcast~~~and being the son of the founder there has to be some dark & twisted Shakespearean plot going on here. Comcast wanted to rape Disney so bad a few years ago she had to scream as loud as she could and kick Comcast in the crouch~~~NO! And btw Comcast gave all my personal info to W and made me feel like I was a character in Brave New World. A little sleazy don't you think? And these days they pinned NBC Universal to the floor~~~and who would a thunk it? The Corporate Axe fell so very swiftly~~~chopping keith's head off in a new york minute! Well I got to admit that Keith Obermann & Johnny Miller have a similar effect on people~~~you either love 'em or hate their guts~~~so someone of them new owners musta hated keith with a vengence dont-ya-know? Conservatives love control. It gives them a hard on. Hell Cheny shot a lawyer on vacation when he was VP. Power is a drug don't you know? Well Mr. Whatshisname up there~~~Chairman of The Board of Comcast~~~Lord King of Cable~~~is by my humble estimation one strung out junkie dude and he got his olbermann fix today. So if you want to know what's going on in the world these days~~~the corporate media's Tree of Knowledge just lost one hell of a big branch today~~~and you will know a little less about the world you live in for this loss.. You know~~~it's the power junkies greatest love to bottle something up. Totally control it~~~and they're always surprised at the consequences. No imagination. I wonder if I'm wrong about Mr. Whatshisname up there. Take a real good look at him. What odds do you give him?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Today's American Values and Our Common Welfare Together

The Gipper painted a picture of~~~It's Morning In America~~~all over the American Psyche~~~when he began his presidency~~~way back when. But is the sun coming up~~~or~~~is it going down? Or may be it's just fixed up there in the sky? Morning In America is just an image you know. Nothing real. A way of spinning things that the glass is half full~~~and there is the hope~~~of new beginnings. JFK and Obama used the same tool. Nothing new here. Images don't change a thing. The sun is fixed in the sky. American Political Imagery? Empty words meant to control us. Our authority figures excel in expelling hot air~~~that creates the shifting mirages that arise above~~~the spiritually arid floor~~~of The Great American Spiritual Desert.
Perception changes everything. Seeing things as they actually are~~~or~~~as a web of illusion. If you look at America as a family~~~and all societies are extended families~~~how would you appraise her character? What if you were an American Indian living in the 1700's? Or an American Muslim these days? Or pick your own example. Families take care of their own~~~the sick ones, the old ones, the young ones, the crazy ones~~~those that need the help of others to get through this life. Dysfunctional families breed violence~~~and leave those that can't carry their own weight by the side of the road. Two ongoing wars, inner city gangster gun play, over ten thousand shooting deaths a year, and two million locked up in our prisons~~~and why is it that America is so violent? To others? And to it's self?
Life is impermanent. There is no security. All human beings have more in common~~~than differences. Our deepest experiences in this life are the common things that we all experience. Birth. Consciousness. Love. Sorrow. Suffering. Death. What we share in common are the deepest experiences~~~of all~~~our lives. So why do we leave our brother by the side of the road~~~when one day we will be in the same place?
Our Republic here in America is a beautiful thing for it sees the nature of power and divides it up~~~and democracy recognizes that we all are equal for no matter who you are~~~or think you are~~~it's one person~~~one vote. But Our American Empire? The last thing Eisenhower warned us about? The Military-Congressional-Industrial Complex? When I was young we dropped our napalm on Vietnam and now when I'm old we dropped our smart bombs on Iraq~~~and send out our drones remotely piloted over foreign lands by guys in Las Vegas. Our American Empire? What kind of family acts like this? The immortal hillbilly wars of The Hatfield's and The McCoys were probably a little more civil. Our American Empire~~~like all such power trips throughout history~~~is pure insanity. We're broke~~~and we still pay for all this military crap.
Our society is so far from any vestige of~~~Complete Acceptance and Unconditional Love of Life~~~that to be thrown into the American Marketplace~~~be it dealing in the commodities of manufactured things, personal services, esoteric thought, spirituality, or money itself~~~no matter what you accumulate or how much of it you gather~~~or~~~what you think you then become~~~it's death that lies at the end of everything. Impermanence is the way things are here on Earth. Security? We destroy That Which Is~~~the ecological balance of our planet~~~and our fellow man~~~for something that does not exist. This Life of Illusions can be a very twisted thing.
What kind of family are we Americans? What are our intrinsic values? Will our reverence for individual competition and our greedy accumulations destroy us? You know you have to give up part of your life to help another in need. So~~~having destroyed The Native American Indian Cultures and planted our flag on their shores~~~do you think our family ways can change? We Americans have immigrated here from all over this planet. We are from everywhere on the globe. Can't we identify with it all? Or are we prisoners of a false identity~~~Us Against Them? Or just Individual Egos living in a Pop Porn Cult of Personality~~~and a Culture of Fear?
The Gipper called tomato sauce a vegetable while little kids in America's Ghettos cried for they had nothing to eat. W turned the Military Industrial Complex lose on Iraq for no reason at all and killed kids standing in their front yard. The Republican Party cares not if the same kid gets health care~~~and tried to scare us with the 'pulling the plug on grandma' fiction. The American Corporate Oligarchy just gorged itself on The American Middle Class~~~laying waste to it's investments and shedding the jobs it hasn't sent overseas yet~~~leaving many families by the side of the road. No jobs. Corporate America was just getting rid of the dead wood on their balance sheets~~~improving their bottom line~~~after the latest economic fiasco. Just doing what they do~~~loving money more than people. What a family we are! It's a Culture of Fear created to control us~~~but don't be afraid~~~we're all going to die anyway. That's a fact. And what is it that saves a family? Even one so dysfunctional as ours? While we are alive? It is~~~That~~~Which Is Unconditional~~~and you won't find it in any marketplace.
Look at your own family. What is it that holds you together?
Monday, January 17, 2011
If You Were An American Indian What Would Your Name Be?
"Yeah, go ask Half Right and we'll figure out which half he got right." I can hear it now, and as this is a 'mea culpa' of sorts, it is funny how we 'miss the mark' on some very basic stuff~~~or~~~as Dylan put it (from Blood On The Tracks): "Images, Big Ideas, and Distorted Facts." Hell~~~all thought is limited~~~just some thoughts are more limited than others~~~or~~~as my friend Charley used to say to me all the time: "Thinkin' thinkin' the same Stupid Thoughts." When I was young I thought that technology had the inside track on Truth~~~the early days of TV and all that imagery and attributed meaning~~~probably the way kids now days view Facebook and Twitter and all the rest of it~~~but? The description is not the described. The word is not the thing. Imagery is like sunlight flashing off the watertop~~~a very shallow affair. Thought is just an abstraction. Oh I learned how we live here in The Great American Spiritual desert~~~how we judge one another~~~think ourselves different~~~how we see ourselves as better than the rest~~~but there are more similarities than differences among All of Us~~~All Human Beings~~~past, and present. This world that we live in is A World of Illusion~~~Maya~~~and it's impermanent too. My culture schooled me in illusion. And what is The Truth? About This Life? Life is All In This Moment~~~eternity ever flowing in The Now~~~and it's up to each of us to Live In The Here and Now. That is where All Life Is~~~the past and future are just fictions of thought. Be Here Now. Awaken In The Timeless Moment~~~for all is One~~~connected, whole, alive, sacred~~~and One. Listen to The Spirit with All Your Heart~~~and the funny thing is, like me~~~you'll still only be Half Right. But if we all truly lived so transparently together~~~we might get it more than Half Right :)
the moment,
Sunday, January 16, 2011
~~~~~~~~~Glenn Beck~~~~~~~~~
with his tongue on fire
baptized in the rat race choir
bent out of shape by society's pliers
cares not to come up any higher
but rather drag you down
in the hole that he's in"
Bob Dylan
It's Alright Ma (i'm only bleeding)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
~~~~~~~~Dear America~~~~~~~~ Can You Look In The Mirror~~~and Be Honest About What You See?
The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21st 2012~~~supposed to be The End of Days or something like that~~and they say there's One Wet & Wild Woman way up 'thar in Frozen Alaska who contracted a fatal case of Potomac Fever from some ex-soldier when she visited Arizona a few years ago~~~and Now? She wants to be The First Soap Opera Prez (and could be The First Porno-Pop Prez~~~if she 'jus let it all Hang Out:)~~~and~~~Oh My! Is it already The End Times? Really? So that's why My Billy Graham Book of Revelations Alarm Clock keeps going off? Ding Dong. Ding-a-Ling. Ding Dong. Rap. Rapa. Rapture:) Hey no way The Whore of Babylon comes from Frozen Tundra~~~right? Poor America has sold herself off to the thugs of The Corporate Oligarchy~~~they who exploit The 3rd World, dumb down 'merican citizens with their control of the news, and last but not least, believe in The Absolute Commercialization of Everything~~~and all them Corporate Boys just got a little bit fatter after consuming most of The American Middle Class~~~oh the gluttons that they are~~~but~~~Yummy! Oh how they love their $$$:) Dear America before you drink the Lukewarm Tea offered up by this Wicked Witch From The North~~~remember~~~her kind told us We Defeated Communism forever and now All Them Damn Commies own us lock, stock, and barrel. Damn Doublespeak~~~I guess they get The Berlin Wall and Great Wall mixed up or something like that? Look closely into the mirror and you might see what we really live in is~~~The Great American Spiritual Desert~~~where even W (how many people did he kill?) and Sister Sarah (how shallow can her flippant thought be?) can pretend to be real people~~~so maybe~~~The Mayans were on to something? Who knows? One thing I do know about Ted Bundy pictured up above~~~he was raised here in America~~~he was part of us~~~and not some separate evil being that popped in here on a vacation from hell. Ted Bundy was an American~~~and so were all the sociopaths and psychos~~~Unabomber, Dahlmer, McVeigh~~~you know the list 'cause it 'jus goes on & on~~~all the way to Tuscon~~~and I'm afraid that the road doesn't end there. The Killers were Americans too~~~raised here~~~part of us. Personality Disorders abound and multiply in~~~A Spiritual Wasteland~~~and as we have seen~~~this moral dementia has spread and even reflected back upon us~~~by our elected leadership (a mirror of sorts). Can a society only based on Greed, Accumulation, and Individual Competition have any Intrinsic Value? Is such a society doomed? You can tell a tree by it's fruit~~~ so why is our society condemned to produce such shallow and destructive people~~~such Bitter Fruit? Corporate America never did a Cost-Benefit Analysis on how creating a Culture of $$$ would so create so many Destructive Personality Disorders~~~that precipitate so many costs. It should be a part of their Bottom Line~~~along with environmental renting and destruction~~~the stunted personal growth in character in all the people they touch~~~international relations~~~etc, etc, etc. So? Maybe the Mayans~~~knew something~~~that we do not. Not many values left here in the Old American Gas Tank~~~we're Running On Empty~~~but the fumes should get us to December 21st 2012:) Sarah Palin and The End of The World? That would be too entertaining to be true:) End Times has to be he biggest cop out in human character~~~Ever! Look in The Mirror. Look at All of Us. America? What do you see?
~~~~~~~The Village Idiot~~~~~~~

The very fact that this Wacky & Lazy~~~Crazy-Rich-Boy-Failure~~~was inaugurated POTUS twice~~~and did what he did To Us with All That Power~~~has to be one of The Seven Seals from The Book of Revelations (that need to be broken in order to release Satan upon The Earth)~~~or maybe even something Crazier Than All That Hocus Pocus Stuff~~~Unbelievable! Watch out America~~~for all the ramifications of such a man leading any society~~~must have more time to unwind and are yet To Hit The Fan. W wasn't really the leader of the free world~~~he's more like the Pied Piper of 'Merican Crazies~~~and they're still crawling out of the woodwork. Cup of Tea anyone?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Is The American Dream Only A Castle In The Sand?


"The present civilization is based on greed and individual competition; it can not last forever because it has no intrinsic value. The individual, who has created and is dominated by this civilization, is caught up in accumulation, which is his sole incentive; that is, the individual tries to express his ambition and attain his desired social position through the accumulation of wealth and power. He has therefore set up social distinctions and such a civilization, based on ruthless selfishness, must eventually break down. It is merely a matter of time. As long as you have this conception of individuality, which is but selfishness and greed, no civilization, no structure built on it can last, nor can it free the mind from sorrow."
Jiddu Krishnamurti, Early Writings, Volume 7, Radio Talks, USA and Canada 1932
"Las Vegas is the savage heart of the American Dream." Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Sunday, January 2, 2011
You Gotta Love Minnesotans~~~If Only For Their Politicians



They reveal something boiling, hidden, deep inside our American Brothers and Sisters of The Great North Woods~~~and a great sense of humor too~~~and remember, Minnesotans also gave America Robert Zimmerman from the city of Hibbing, Minnesota~~~and although he had political skills he was as far from a politican as you can get~~~he was and is America's True Muse and The Greatest Poet of Our Times~~~you know him by his chosen name~~~Bob Dylan. There must be something in the water up yonder :)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Loving Those Symbiotic Relationships

Yee Ha I'm a riding this here dear piggie into The New Year and I want my one faithful follower to know I posted this here picture 4 u Charley :) And NO it's not pornographic, although in my extensive perusal of porn on the net I have observed Many A Monkey Riding A Pig :) Happy New Year :) And as far as symbiotic relationships go~~~it's like the John Prine song~~~Everybody~~~
"I was sailing out on the ocean
I was sailing on the sea
When I bumped into the savior
And he said: "Pardon me."
I said: "Jesus you look tired."
He said: "Jesus so do you, so sit down son we got some fat to chew."
Cause everybody needs somebody that they can talk to..."
Oh we all gotta share The Insanity
and trade beliefs like baseball cards
or corporate logos...
till we find out accumulation
ain't Living.
John Prine,
America's Psychotic Children~~~All Born With ASPD

Damn. Thar's more Corporations in America these days than you can shake a stick at! Tons of em! Crawling out of the woodwork! And since not a one of them has a lick of Ethical or Social Responsibility~~~~they just smooth talked us 'merican citizens while they screwed The 3rd World~~~dumbing us down with jingle jangel commercials~~~and when The 3rd World had finally been pretty much used up~~~they turned their attention to what was left and finally got around to Feeding On The American Middle Class. Why oh me oh my were we surprised! Our own kin were 'a eatin' us! Houses, jobs, investments~~~whatever they could chew on~~~cause they don't really care about the town they're in, hell~~~do you really think Corporate America cares about people at all? I mean people are just a means to an end in their world. Even the employees. Even the boss. Grist for the mill. It's~~~The More~~~that they want and when people and the environment get in the way? Screw 'em. Forward we go. Just like the 1st transcontinental railroad. These demented children of America, these corporations, are also cross dressers of sorts for they like to dress themselves up in Athlete's Images, Sporting Events, and All Manner of Pop Porno Fame~~~making us Cry Uncle and Believe with their assult of dumbed down and mind numbing commercials. All for The Buck. Dear America, your sociopaths, your psychotic children, have finally turned on you. Right Tiger? Makes me feel like having A Warm Cup of Tea :)
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